You've Been Away So Long | Alice Howe and Freebo

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🎵 You've Been Away So Long | Alice Howe and Freebo 🎵

Length: 0:5:25
You've Been Away So Long - Written by Alice Howe
Recorded Live September 7, 2021
McGonigel's Mucky Duck  |  Home of the Livest Music in Texas™
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I walked out in a storm the other night
I went out into the river as it raged above its banks the other night
And I was sure the current would part around my waist
But I reached out for your hand, I admit I was afraid
Strong swimmer though I know myself to be
Hey darlin, you’ve been away so long
Hey darlin, you’ve been away so long
See how the trees have grown since you’ve been gone
I went down, I went down to the water’s edge
I went down to the water as the sun sank low behind the ridge
The last deep breath of summer lies blazing in the sky
One step toward those mountains and I’d grow the wings to fly
Every whisper of the waves upon the shore tells me so
Hey darlin, you’ve been away so long
Hey darlin, you’ve been away so long
See how my garden’s grown since you’ve been gone
Hey darlin, you’ve been away so long
Hey darlin, you’ve been away so long
See how the trees have grown since you’ve been gone
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