Wrapped | Kelly Willis

🎵 Wrapped | Kelly Willis 🎵 - Length: 0:4:14

Wrapped - Written by Bruce Robison Recorded Live October 21, 2023 Live from Norfolk Street is an on-going concert series recorded live at McGonigel's Mucky Duck in Houston, Texas. Our live-streamed concert series is listener supported. For access to our catalog of full length shows, extras, encores, and interviews, become a contributing member at: https://livefromnorfolkstreet.com/ Lyrics: I didn't have to turn my head whenever you walked in The only one to let these chills roll down my skin My heart beats faster I hear your name I feel my confidence slipping away Thought I was doing fine About to get you off my mind I see you face and then I'm wrapped Around your pretty little finger again It feels like ages since you lay down in my arms See no good reason still I'm tangled in your charms My God you're smiling You catch my eyes My heart is pounding deep inside Thought I was doing fine About to get you off my mind I see you face and then I'm wrapped Around your pretty little finger again Ain't gonna let no man go down without a fight My stalls and walls look better in the bright daylight My heart beats faster I call your name I feel my confidence slipping away Thought I was doing fine About to get you off my mind I see you face and then I'm wrapped Around your pretty little finger Thought I was doing fine About to get you off my mind I see you face and then I'm wrapped Around your pretty little finger again

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