Wildwood Flower | Folk Uke

🎵 Wildwood Flower | Folk Uke 🎵 - Length: 0:2:57

Wildwood Flower - Written by Maud Irving (usually credited) traditional Recorded Live October 21, 2023 Live from Norfolk Street is an on-going concert series recorded live at McGonigel's Mucky Duck in Houston, Texas. Our live-streamed concert series is listener supported. For access to our catalog of full length shows, extras, encores, and interviews, become a contributing member at: https://livefromnorfolkstreet.com/ Lyrics: Oh I'll twine with my mingles and waving black hair With the roses so red and the lilies so fair And the myrtles so bright with the emerald dew The pale and the leader and eyes look like blue I will dance I will sing and my laugh shall be gay I will charm every heart in each crown I will sway When I woke from my dreaming my idols were clay All portion of love had all flown away Oh he taught me to love him and promised to love And to cherish me over all others above How my heart is now wondering no misery can tell He's left me no warning no words of farewell Oh he taught me to love him and call me his flower That was blooming to cheer him through life's dreary hour How I long to see him and regret the dark hour He's gone and neglected his pale wild wood flower

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