Ready, Let's Roll | Bob Schneider

🎵 Ready, Let's Roll | Bob Schneider 🎵

Length: 0:4:27
Ready, Let's Roll - Written by Bob Schneider
Recorded Live December 29, 2022
McGonigel's Mucky Duck  |  Home of the Livest Music in Texasâ„¢
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rusty rays of light shine down on his face
while the blood from the knife wound fills the place
pack up the car come on let’s get out of here
while the sirens start to fill the air
a low moan and a gurgle now the body’s still
oh if this was only some kind of bad dream but
how are we going to get out this shit we’re in she says
dont worry baby we’ll figure out something
we’ll give them the slip they won’t be expecting the zinger
we’ll slip him the mickey then we’ll give him the finger
i had the drummer figured for a ringer but i had
no idea the DEA was using the singer but
plastic gas cap attack up on the sunset strip stray coal from
an errant flicked lit cigarette no joke when the shit lit crazy
swarzenegger movie cript keeper shit
got two new ghosts to sweat out the heat seeker
chuck taylor burnt blackbeefy tweaker heaven bound
headed down interstate zero too late just bad guys no winner no
wall mart break in 3 in the am /got the key from my cousin’s
what i saying/ yo whatever you can get on the quick aight
shotgun, shells, doritos and a mag light / aspirins, tampons, oh
shit are you serious / yeah, i’m on my period
black sun no hope cops in the gunscope
lay low make some dough then head to mexico
lay on the beach during the colder months
drinking maitais smoking blunts with some mexicans
blend into the background /just got to make it to the border
somehow /annie oakley dead shot it aint over yet
count your chips and place your bets
hide out hoodwink blood in a black sink
bullets in a bathtub hold up i can’t think
brown recluse in the black of my mind
aint a problem i can’t fix with my nine
sho shot get tight deer in the headlight
black widow spider bite kisses in the lamplight
tight spot i got a red dot
following me around keeping me here in the hot spot
fortune cookie the future looks shitty
lit up like a parliment i got blood on my dickies
can’t think straight with this mad dog flush
pass it over got to feel the rush
i know this place in new mexico where we can cross at night
i got a cousin on the border patrol aight
pack em up and let’s go / you ready i’m
ready let’s roll
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