Halfway to Houston | Susan Werner

🎵 Halfway to Houston | Susan Werner 🎵 - Length: 0:3:27

Halfway to Houston - Written by| Susan Werner Recorded Live February 17, 2024 Live from Norfolk Street is an on-going concert series recorded live at McGonigel's Mucky Duck in Houston, Texas. Our live-streamed concert series is listener supported. For access to our catalog of full length shows, extras, encores, and interviews, become a contributing member at: https://livefromnorfolkstreet.com/ Lyrics: She was Halfway to Houston before I Saw her note Make your own damn coffee That's all she wrote Halfway to Houston She left before dawn Halfway to Houston And three quarters gone She was Halfway to Houston before she Took my call Picked up, said goodbye Hung up, and that was all Halfway to Houston She was really mad Halfway to Houston And it was looking bad Halfway to Houston There's not a lot to see Billboards and lifted Fords And not a lot of me She was Halfway to Houston before she Let me speak Then she drove in silence For what felt like a week Halfway to Houston I could hear the wheels She was Halfway to Houston and then she Just kept goin Good luck, she said, the line went dead And I was on my own Halfway to Houston I was history And ever since that morning It's just Folger's Instant For me

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