El Corrido de Don Lulai | Del Castillo

🎵 El Corrido de Don Lulai | Del Castillo 🎵

Length: 0:5:29
El Corrido de Don Lulai - Written by Del Castillo
Recorded Live January 28, 2023
Live from Norfolk Street is an on-going concert series from McGonigel's Mucky Duck in Houston, Texas. Our live-streamed concert series is listener supported. 
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Este es el corrido del caballero Don Lulai
Que salió una noche luna llena, ay caray,
Con su pistola y su gitana por un lado,
Estaba cierto que esta vez estaba enamorado.

This is the narrative of the cowboy Don Lulai
Who set out one full moon night, oh dear,
With his pistol and his gypsy by his side,
He was certain that this time he was in love.

Su traje negro y su pelo despeinado,
Caballo listo que iban a Jacao,
Con su pistola y su gitana por un lado,
Estaba cierto que esta vez estaba enamorado.

His suit black and his hair disheveled,
Horse ready because they were en route to Jacao,
With his pistol and his gypsy by his side,
He was certain that this time he was in love.

Luna llena en la sierra. (x2)
Luna llena...

Full moon on the sierra. (x2)
Full moon...

Llegaron con la luz de los días encadenados,
Caballo muerto con el hocico todo sangrado,
Con su pistola y su gitana por un lado,
Estaba cierto que esta vez estaba enamorado.

They arrived with the light from days linked with days,
Horse dead with its snout all bloody,
With his pistol and his gypsy by his side,
He was certain that this time he was in love.

Luna llena en la sierra. (x2)
Luna llena...

Full moon on the sierra. (x2)
Full moon...

[Musical interlude]

Montale caballero,
Soy caballero, nunca me muero.
Sangre de puro, puro vaquero,
Yo te lo juro.

Mount, gentleman,
I am a horseback rider, I never die.
(With) blood of pure, pure cowboy,
I swear to you.

Soy caballero, nunca me muero,
Sangre de puro, puro vaquero, puro vaquero.

I am a horseback rider, I never die,
(With) blood of a pure, pure cowboy, pure cowboy.

[Mexican grito]

- ¡Pa' [para] que sepan!
- Pa' que sepan ¿qué?
- ¡Que lo que es eterno nunca muere!

- So (that) they know!
- So (that) they know what?
- That what is eternal never dies!

[Mexican gritos again]

¡Mexico! ¡Zapata!

Mexico! Zapata!

[Rooster crowing, then shooting sound]

- ¿Quién quiere caldo?
- ¡Nosotros!

- Who wants soup?
- We do!
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