E Penso a Te | Del Castillo Trio

🎵 E Penso a Te | Del Castillo Trio 🎵 - Length: 0:4:38

E Penso a Te - Written by Ignazio Boschetto Recorded Live August 31, 2024 Live from Norfolk Street is an on-going concert series recorded live at McGonigel's Mucky Duck in Houston, Texas. Our live-streamed concert series is listener supported. For access to our catalog of full length shows, extras, encores, and interviews, become a contributing member at: https://livefromnorfolkstreet.com/ Lyrics: Io lavoro e penso a te. Torno a casa e penso a te. Le telefono e intanto penso a te. «Come stai?» e penso a te. «Dove andiamo?» e penso a te. Le sorrido, abbasso gli occhi e penso a te. Non so con chi adesso sei.

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